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Standards for Retrofit

This module will examine the PAS2035 and PAS2038 standards as of Oct 2023

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Reseller/Distributor E-Learning - British Gypsum products and systems

This self paced course is aimed at resellers and distributors of British Gypsums products and systems and gives the learner a basic knowledge and understanding of common British Gypsums products and systems.

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Digital Leadership

The aims of this e-learning module are to identify the necessary leadership skills and competencies which are essential to successful digital transformation.

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Glass Fundamentals

This module looks at the fundamentals of glass.

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Introduction to Life Cycle Analysis

Provides an introduction to the concept of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and gives consideration of the different stages of the LCA Process.

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Introduction to Sustainable Construction

Provides an overview of sustainable construction and Identifies of key themes which organisations need to consider when implementing or supporting sustainable construction activities.

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Gypwall Single Frame Partitions

A self paced course which is an introduction to Gypwall Single Frame Partitions.

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Whole House Retrofit

This module will look at what is meant by a whole building, and fabric first approach.

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Mechanical taping

A short self paced E-Learning module to cover products and accessories associated with mechanical taping, application and common faults.

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Modern Slavery

This module discusses the issue of Modern Slavery.

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The business case for retrofit

This module will give you an introduction to retrofit, and set you up to learn more about retrofit in our other e-learning modules and resources

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Asbesto Awareness

If you’re in a building that was built before the year 2000, it probably contains asbestos. The dangers that asbestos presents are serious, with it being responsible for around 5,000 deaths per year. Employers must ensure that anyone who could disturb asbestos while carrying out their everyday work understands what asbestos is and how to work in a competent and safe way, without risk to themselves or others.

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ThistlePro Range for Resellers and Distributors

This course is designed for resellers and distributors of British Gypsums products and systems who would like to know more about the ThistlePro range, its benefits to their customers and their clients to provide the confidence to discuss the range with prospective customers.

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Well-Being of Future Generations Act In Wales

In this module we will discuss the Wellbeing Future Generations Act in Wales.

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Introduction to sustainable construction in Wales

This module will discuss the key sustainability issues specific to the Welsh construction industry, with focus on legislation.

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ThistlePro FastSet Finish

A short course to learn the key features and benefits of ThistlePro Finish

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Hand taping

A short self paced E-Learning module to cover products and accessories associated with hand taping, application and common faults.

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Glass Security

This module will provide you with knowledge about glass security

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The Circular Economy

So you may have heard the term "circular economy" - but what does it mean in practice? This module will help unravel the term.

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Introduction to Sustainable Homes

This module will discuss the 10 key sustainability issues facing the home building sector, and how best to tackle them in a way that's good for the environment and your business.

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